Group Assignment
GetRooted! Event Notebook
Assignment Prompt
Each student will participate in an out-of-class special event or teach a class for eight weeks that will be developed with an agency or organization. The student is responsible for finding the agency and creating the program or class they will design, implement, and/or teach. Students will work in groups of two. The students are responsible for finding an individual to supervise the program. Parents and/or friends should not finance the event or class. Financing should either come from the agency or through donations solicited by the student. The two students working together will put together a notebook after the conclusion of their event of class with the following information and documents:
1. Student Agreement Form
2. Co-Manager Contract
3. Facility/Site Analysis
4. Program Description*
5. Mission, Goals, and Objectives*
6. Agency Policies and Procedures*
7. Event Timeline*
8. Job Description for Program Managers
9. Marketing Plan*
10. Budget Outline*
11. Weekly Meeting Minutes and Agenda*
12. Special Event Evaluation (by managers and by participants)
13. Participant Attendance*
14. Program Visitations
15. Final Program Report
16. Agency Evaluation of Co-Managers
17. Program Information Sheet*
18. Evaluation of Agency Supervisor
19. Miscellaneous Supporting Documents*
*Items I was responsible for.
Our event was working with the West Sacramento Parks and Recreation Department to create a conservation day in the park which included planting 11 trees, conservation agency booths, food trucks, a park scavenger hunt, and rock painting.