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Writing Assignment

Apple Hill Case Study


Assignment Prompt

Case study considers and analyzes the purpose and developmental impact of a particular setting, group, or situation and involves the following steps:

  • Choose a local case (ideally)

  • Introduce it – via website research and/or in person knowledge gathering

  • Provide background information – overall case purpose, locale, population served, environmental remarks – accessible and inclusive?  etc.

  • Conduct a “field” observation and complete “field notes” – participate in a service offered by the case (e.g. aquatic center, parks & rec program, travel abroad experience you previously participated in)

  • Identify successes and challenges/shortcomings of the case

  • Consider alternatives – services, demographic shift, etc.

  • Propose improvements – how could the service be even more successful? Include a summary of potential budget implications and other managerial considerations relating back to the readings to support your conclusions.

Your write up should be no more than 3 pages in length. Please single space using 12 point Times New Roman font and apply (and cite) textbook chapter theory to support and complement your conclusions (APA guidelines).

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