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Oral Presentation

Proposal for the Monterey Bay Aquarium Education and Outreach Programs


Assignment Prompt

You have just been told that two-thirds of your program’s budget will be cut. At a future meeting, you will be given 2-5 minutes to advocate for your program. Your goal is to convince the board (the class) to not cut your budget. *This oral presentation was based off of a larger more in-depth paper.

  • Introduction/state scenario

  • General description of facility or program/service

  • Mission/Vision of the organization/facility

  • Identify types of stakeholders (clients, benefactors, staff, vendors, community members) who directly and indirectly benefit from the program, service or facility

  • Identify the problems with cutting two-thirds of the budget

  • What is your tactic to persuade the decision-makers of your organization to keep facilities, programs & services open?

    • Describe two to three outcomes

  • Conclusion (Use persuasive argument to not cut anything at all)

The attached document includes the notes, from my larger paper, I used to give my presentation to the hypothetical board. This was an oral presentation. My notes were not submitted for a grade.

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